Monday 17 November 2014

Be a Champion for Clare County Library!

Clare County Library is launching a ‘Library Champions’ project. Clare Library Champions are people who love their libraries and want to be in the know about library events and activities. Anyone can become a library champion… you just have to love and use libraries! We are hoping over the next few months to build a list of people who are willing to share with us, and with the public, how important libraries are to us all. We will be inviting applications from our patrons, and their families and friends, to become library champions.

Becoming a Library Champion is very straightforward! All you need to do is write a short paragraph on what it is you love about libraries, or how libraries have helped you in your life. We would also invite you to provide us with a photograph of yourself in one of our library branches or with a literary theme, e.g. enjoying a book in your favourite reading place. We then plan to put the short piece you have written on our website, along with your photo if you submit one. We may also use this material in the local press or as part of a library exhibition. You can submit your piece at your local branch library or email it to using the subject “Library Champions”.

The aim of this project is to champion libraries and promote them as a place for all; a place where everyone is welcome and can avail of equal opportunities, regardless of age, gender, race, class or education. We want people to be aware of the library as being their resource and their gateway to knowledge, leisure and pleasure. We hope you will join us in spreading that message.

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